Matchroom understands the importance of establishing strong partnerships to leverage on each other’s strength in order to secure a reasonable competitive edge in today’s fast paced market.
Hoolai Games (胡来游戏) is a social, web, and mobile game developer based in China; while headquartered in Beijing, its offices can be found across Shanghai, Tokyo, Guangzhou, Taipei, and Silicon Valley with a total of over 800 personnels at their disposal. As a subsidiary of the critically acclaimed TenCent Holdings, Hoolai itself boasts no small accomplishments having secured Apple’s App Store Rewind top grossing iOS game twice with its flagship game Hoolai Three Kingdoms and as well as Checkmate.
Matchroom is a firm believer in driving communities through quality content, and what better to entertain its audience with than content with substantially different ambience, style, and culture that has for the most part been secluded regionally.
This is exactly reflective of the much vaunted ecosystem that Matchroom repeatedly preach. Gamers are empowered with a diversified repertoire of gaming options and developers (especially those independent and regional in nature) relish in targeted exposure that are ever so cardinal to their kind – it’s a win-win scenario! What’s not to like?